139th News

Dental x-ray machine back online

  • Published
  • By Tech. Sgt. Theo Ramsey
  • 139th Airlift Wing
The 139th Airlift Wing restored function to their digital x-ray machine this Spring after more than two years with the machine not functioning. Tech. Sgt. Carly Edwards, a dental technician for the 139th Medical Group, said that while the machine was offline, x-ray images had to be hand-carried between offices and locations.

Now that the digital x-ray machine is up and running, the 139th Medical Group has a goal of imaging all Air National Guard (ANG) members stationed at Rosecrans ANG Base by May 2014.

Dental exams by a military dentist are a 5-year requirement for all ANG members and each year in-between those exams, the member is required to submit to the military dental clinic an Active Duty/Reserve Forces Dental Examination form, DD Form 2813, filled out by their civilian dental provider. Active Guard Reserve (AGR) members need to also have a record of dental care form, Standard Form 603-A, filled out by their civilian dental provider every year.

"They need to be turning in those forms," Edwards said about ANG members trying to get a dental appointment completed on a drill weekend, "If you are waiting in the hallway for two and a half hours waiting to see the dentist then you're not getting your work done and readiness is affected."