All requests for C-130 aircraft flyovers or static displays must be submitted on the U.S. Air Force Aerial Events website. They are the approval authority for flyovers: www.airshows.pa.hq.af.mil. This website can also be found by searching the internet for “Air Force Aerial Events”. Approval does not imply that the request will be supported.
Please begin the process at least 90 days before your event date.
- Create a new request on the website. Enter your email to generate a request number.
- Print or download and fill out DD Form 2535 ‘Request for Military Aerial Support’. Send it to your local Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Once you obtain the FAA signature, email the completed and signed form to Aerial Events. Note: They cannot process a request that has not been submitted online or without FAA coordination.
- Email the request number and event details to the unit. For the 139th Airlift Wing in St. Joseph, email 139aw.flight.request@us.af.mil. Note: Approval does not guarantee the 139th Airlift Wing will be able to support your event.
- Wait for contact. Either public affairs or our operations group will inform you if the 139th is able to support your event.