The Triple C: Consistent, Continual, Compliance Vol. 1.4 Published Aug. 2, 2014 By Lt. Col. Eric Rawlings 139th Inspector General Office ST. JOSEPH, Mo. -- Personnel Changes to the IG office Recently the IG Office has brought in some new faces to continue the Implementation of the CCIP. Maj. Joe Lembke from MDG has come aboard to replace Maj. Ruehter as the IGI. Tech. Sgt. Alan Hargreaves from AMXS has come in to be the Wing MICT Program Man-ager replacing Chief Master Sgt. Pflugradt. We also have gained Master Sgt. Tom Sweere from the Ops Group to help with Admin/Analysis work. We are glad to have them in here and they will definitely have a positive impact on the CCIP. If you see them out and about congratulate them on their new positions. Mid-Point Visit On 12-13 June , the 139AW hosted a group of inspectors from AMC/IG out of Scott AFB. The Mid point visit or Continual Evaluation which it is also referred to, is part of the overall UEI process. Because of our compressed time-line from when the new AFIS was imple-mented and our CAP-STONE date, was the reason for this partic-ular midpoint. In the UEI concept, our cy-cle will be 48-60 months until the next CAPSTONE. So you can see in the perfect world the mid-point will be conducted around the 30 month point after a CAP-STONE. The purpose of the visit was for AMC/IG to observe how the IG/WIT con-ducts the exercise. Overall the Inspec-tors thought we were right on track and really liked some of our programs. Thanks for all the hard work. CCIP Implementation Update Just wanted to give an update on where the Wing stands as far as implementing the Commanders Inspec-tion Program. We were mandated to accomplish 16 differ-ent criteria that came from the PAD 13-1 and needed to be completed prior to October 1, 2014. We currently sit with 14 out of 16 accom-plished. At the end of this month we'll have the 15th criteria ac-complished. The Wing is right on schedule for the im-plementation, thanks for all the hard work by everyone. AFIS Awareness We in the IG Office want to do everything we can to ensure that all members of this Wing understand what AFIS and the CCIP are and how you as an airman, regardless of rank or AFSC, have a vital role in this new system. The IG Share-Point has a wealth of information from pertinent AFI's to AFIS Briefing's and other train-ing materials. Please take a look and familiarize yourself with this. Hopeful-ly this Bi-Monthly newslet-ter is providing pertinent information for you. Don't ever be afraid to call the IG Office if you have ques-tions or if you would like the IG office to come and talk about AFIS and the CCIP. This UTA I can't stress enough the importance for everyone to take the time and familiarize them-selves with a least the basics of what the CCIP is and remember the acro-nym MILE: Managing Resources Improving the Unit Leading People Executing the Mission MICT is easy if you let it be easy. The self-assessment checklists (SACs) in MICT provide a list of the most important, high-est-risk compliance areas for your func-tion. They do not relieve you of all the "will, shall, or must" mandates in AFI guidance. They should give you a valuable way to show your chain of command that you are handling those critical functions every day. That's why you're expected to update SACs within 5 days of a change in compliance. MICT should be a living data-base of compliance awareness--not a new bureaucracy all on its own.