139th News

Yuille promoted to Chief

  • Published
  • By Capt. Brian Bowman
  • 139th Airlift Wing
Mike Yuille would be the first to tell you earning promotion to Chief Master Sergeant was the last thing on his mind when he started his career nearly 20 years ago.

"Oh no," he laughed. "But, as you spend more time (in the service), you kind of go from the 'Me' phase to the 'We' phase."

The 139th Airlift Wing's Human Resource Advisor has spent the majority of his career working in finance for the wing. The affable NCO is known for ready smile. Yuille said his career progression has seemed normal.

"I was probably just like everybody when I joined," he said. "You know, money for college, etc.

"But eventually it was a goal to be promoted to chief."

Yuille - who pinned on his Chief stripes in a ceremony March 8 at Rosecrans -- said informal mentoring by senior enlisted members of the past helped him and he tries to pass on to others. He said he wished the mentoring process was more formal, but that he does what he can.

"It's important to me to make sure I mentor to the people below and groom them to be our future leaders on the base," he said. "My duty is to help the unit go forward ... by developing airmen to be leaders."

Lt. Col. Cory Ball, the 139th AW Financial Management officer, praised Yuille as "somebody who has always stood up to do whatever it takes," to accomplish the mission.

"You're not only being promoted to Chief (Master Sgt.) but to the rank of E-9," Ball said. "The rank of E-9 is respected wherever you go, in whatever service.

"Your uniform is going to be heavier, not just because of the extra stripe, but because of the increased responsibility."

Yuille said he genuinely values the relationships with his fellow airmen the "influences" so many others have had on his life and career.

His message to the junior enlisted?

"Stay involved," he said. "Hold us senior leaders accountable ... and don't be afraid to ask."