139th News

Time running out to obtain hard copy of personnel records

  • Published
  • By Tech. Sgt. Victoria Valenzuela
  • 139th Airlift Wing
  Beginning July 1, the 139th Airlift Wing Military Personnel Flight (MPF) will quarantine all personnel records in preparation for mailing records to the Air Force Reserve Personnel Center (ARPC) in Denver, Colo., for conversion into electronic records. Once the quarantine begins, the MPF will scrub each record to ensure a quality check is accomplished before they are sent to ARPC.
  Airmen should work with their Commander Support Staff (CSS) to make copies of any documents needed for personal files.
The MPF asks for everyone's help in coordinating with their CSS as soon as possible to ensure they receive any copies they need by June 30. After this date, access to records will be restricted to commanders, first sergeants, the base legal office and Office of Special Investigations.
  The Vision for the Air Force e-Records program is an e-Records environment across the Air Force in which each unit, base, major command, and Air Force headquarters repositories of paper copy personnel records will disappear. Instead, authorized users of personnel information will have instant recall capability of up-to-date personnel information.
  To facilitate the transition to e-Records a new electronic management system was created. Automatic Records Management System is designed to consolidate military personnel records processing to improve efficiency, reduce manpower and costs, and improve customer service.
  This concept allows for the elimination of field personnel records, providing a centralized master personnel record repository. When MPFs and CSSs need to access documents filed in the Unit Personnel Record Group, they will retrieve the document electronically from ARMS through the ARPC's vPC-GR website.
  The MPF thanks everyone for their patience during this transition. For more information, contact CMSgt Scott Duncan at 356-3304 or via e-mail at scott.duncan@mostjo.ang.af.mil.