ST. JOSEPH, Mo. -- Happy New Year! The holidays are behind us and by the time you see this Tidbit, a good group of our members will have headed overseas. May their deployment be exciting, not troublesome, beneficial and safe! Financially, I hope you all ended the year on sound footing, benefitting from a flexible but effective financial plan. If not, regardless of the “resolution stigma” for a New Year, I hope you will make specific, measureable and realistic changes in January to get yourself back on track. Let me help you in any of the following areas (not all-inclusive!):
- Credit card pay-off plan
- Income tax planning
- Spending plan foundation (or adjustment!)
- Retirement planning-now and in the future
My Open Topic Zoom sessions continue on Tuesdays in 2022 for a chance to just drop in with a question. I have included the Touch Point schedule for January below which is somewhat reduced due to the double holidays. These will also be on the Wing SharePoint and the Resiliency Team calendar for your reference. Remember these are available if you have not met the required attendance through online training. All AFI Touch Point briefs use the MS Teams application. As always, contact me with any additional questions.
- 9th - FTP- Divorce
- 11th - FTP - Divorce
- 25th - FTP - Vesting (TSP)
Tuesday Open Topic Drop-ins: 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th
How much should I save? (Federal Ballpark E$timate®)
To find out how much you need to save for retirement, follow this link to the Federal Ballpark E$timate® calculator. The calculator was developed by the American Savings Education Council to calculate how much you need to save each year from now until retirement based on your estimates of retirement income and existing savings. Use this link for an excellent source of more information.
Topic No. 653 IRS Notices and Bills, Penalties, and Interest Charges
Generally, April 15 is the deadline for most people to file their individual income tax returns and pay any tax owed. Refer to IR-2021-59 for information about a filing and payment deadline extension. During its processing, the IRS checks your tax return for mathematical accuracy. When processing is complete, if you owe any tax, penalty, or interest, you will receive a bill. Learn more click here.
Don’t hesitate to reach out by phone, text, email or ask for a private Zoom session for you or your family members whether on base, drill guardsmen or deployed. Be financially proactive and STAY SAFE!
Randy Gerard, PFC
C (573) 415-6934
O (816) 236-3659
This month’s thought (re-run): “Know what you own and know why you own it” ~Peter Lynch