ST. JOSEPH, Mo. -- Happy Thanksgiving! Hope everyone had a nice extended weekend with family and friends, we all have so much to be thankful for. The Children’s Christmas Workshop is on for the Sunday of drill, December 5th from noon to 3 pm. The Resiliency Team and Key Spouse volunteers will look forward to making it a special time for children and their parents.
As we approach the end of the year, it is a perfect time to look back and take notice of all that we have experienced the past 12 months. The pandemic has affected us in so many ways, in addition to what life normally would throw at us. As you take stock in any of the following areas, (not all-inclusive to be sure), I will be happy to review your situation, provide suggestions or refer you to other resources:
- Budgeting, saving for goals
- Debt reduction
- Retirement planning
- Income tax management
- Major purchases (home, car, motor cycle, rental property, etc.)
My Open Topic Zoom sessions continue on Tuesdays for a chance to just drop in with a question. I have included the Touch Point schedule for December below which is somewhat reduced due to the double holidays. These will also be on the Wing SharePoint and the Resiliency Team calendar for your reference. Remember these are available if you have not met the required attendance through online training. All AFI Touch Point briefs use the Microsoft Teams application. As always, contact me with any additional questions.
- 2nd - FTP- Pre/Post Deployment
- 14th - FTP - Marriage
- 16th - FTP - Pre/Post Deployment
- 18th - FTP- Pre/Post Deployment
- 23rd - FTP - Vesting (TSP)
- 30th - FTP- Pre/Post Deployment
Tuesday Open Topic Drop-ins: 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th
MilSpouse Money Mission® – Helping the Military Spouse
As you plan for the future, our free "Money Ready" guide is designed with a simple objective: to introduce you to the basics of personal finance so that you can begin building a solid financial foundation and improve your financial readiness. Starting from here, you will learn how to:
- Set financial goals.
- Create a spending plan.
- Establish a good credit reputation and use credit wisely.
- Protect your assets with insurance, wills, powers of attorney and a letter of instruction.
- Save and invest for short-term and long-term goals, such as emergencies and retirement.
- Adjust your financial plan as circumstances change.
The Continuation Pay Benefit of the Blended Retirement System
The National Defense Authorization Act in 2016 created the Blended Retirement System, or BRS. Service members covered under the BRS may be eligible to receive a one-time, midcareer bonus payment in exchange for an agreement to perform additional obligated service. This one-time bonus payment is in addition to any other career field-specific incentives or retention bonuses. Learn more by clicking this link.
Don’t hesitate to reach out by phone, text, email or ask for a private Zoom session for you or your family members. Be financially proactive and STAY SAFE!
Randy Gerard, PFC
C (573) 415-6934
O (816) 236-3659
This month’s thought: “Christmas is a tonic for our souls. It moves us to think of others rather than of ourselves. It directs our thoughts to giving.” ~B. C. Forbes