139th News

Coping with Financial Issues of COVID-19 - Part 32

  • Published
  • By Randy Gerard, Personal Financial Counselor

Here is the final briefing title for October. If you would like another topic covered please let me know. Please find the meeting information at the end of this document.

  • 29 October – Raising Financially Fit Kids

RAISING FINANCIALLY FIT KIDS-Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

  • Money as You Grow Bookshelf is a reading program that helps you weave money skills into the time you may already spend reading to your kids at home, in a way they’ll understand. Designed for ages 4 – 10. For more information and age-based resources, check out this link.

Library of Answers Examples:

  • As young adults enter into their careers, talk to them about starting to save early for retirement and the importance of preparing for financial emergencies. Here are a few discussion points you can use. This is a great place to bookmark.
  • When your son or daughter starts asking questions about credit, start the conversation with a talk about having a savings and spending plan then add the role of credit. Click here for some topics to consider discussing.

Don’t hesitate to reach out by phone, text, email or ask for a private Zoom session for you or your family members. Be Vigilant and STAY SAFE!

Randy Gerard, PFC
C (573) 415-6934
O (816) 236-3659

This week’s thought:  “A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove you don’t need it.” ~Bob Hope