139th News


  • Published
  • By Randy Gerard

Week 1 dealt with overall concepts/plans. Whether you're deploying in support of COVID response or overseas, here are some additional, more specific things to consider and/or get completed in advance.

  1. Income Increase- Potential for significant income increases offers you a perfect time to set some achievable goals:  Pay off debt; House down payment; Upgrade car if needed; Increase savings/investments (emergency fund, TSP, Roth IRA, College fund)
  2. Make a Realistic Plan-Base your plan on your personal situation:  Married/Single?; Dual Military?; Children?  Dedicate time to discuss spending habits, limits and a realistic budget that covers expenses/entertainment/gifts for both deployed and those at home.  Entertain the need for POAs or other ability to access/control funds
  3. Legal Issues and Money Management-building on reference to POA above, ensure beneficiaries are current (SGLI, TSP, etc.), have minimum of a Will, preferably combined with an Advanced Directive (Living Will) and Guardians for children.  Confirm availability of reliable internet access for bill payments (automatic and manual), fund transfers, etc., and be aware of/plan for extra fees for overseas access.

If you are unsure on any of this week’s suggestions, give me a call so we can discuss your personal situation.

Home Schooling – I recently heard of AER 07-2020 (Army) that addressed an additional $500 available to both active duty and guard members who have been home-schooling as a result of COVD-19.  Might check it out if this is your situation with some young-uns.  A&FR Program Director Amy Mathias included a reference to this in our weekly newsletter (Resiliency Team) but wanted to mention it again.

Don’t hesitate to reach out by phone, email or for a private Zoom session for you or your family members.Until next week, STAY SAFE!

Randy Gerard, PFC   C (573) 415-6934 O (816) 236-3659   pfc.rosecrans.ang@zeiders.com