Whether you're deploying in support of COVID response or overseas, here are some tried and true recommendations to minimize or even prevent financial issues during such times.
I. Financial planning involves preparing for probable increased income, helps reduce stress and can help you prepare for the future.
II. There are potentially many changes related to a deployment: Extra income (FSA, Hazardous Duty, Hostile Fire, Combat Zone, etc.); Expenses (Child care, pet boarding, household/car expenses to name a few
III. Plan for the Irregular/Unexpected: Insurance deductibles; Car/Home repairs; holidays/gifts; emergency trips; taxes
So plan on making the most of your deployment by developing achievable but flexible goals: Pay down debt, increase emergency fund; car upgrade; house down payment; college fund; increase retirement savings, etc. Give me a call so we can discuss your personal situation.
SaveAndInvest.org – This website, military–focused, has a world of information, resources, calculators and videos for members and their families. Here are a couple of examples:
1. Moneytopia is an incredibly well-done game that covers all aspects of money management as you reach your “Big Dream”. The game’s playtime is commensurate with the loftiness of your dream. Optionally, there are 15 video topic tutorials that you can watch. https://www.saveandinvest.org/moneytopia
2. Educate Youth – For those with families, this is an excellent area on the website for many tips on how to make our children financially aware. As an example, this is a section for Teens;
Don’t hesitate to reach out for a private Zoom session for you or your family members. Until next week, STAY SAFE!
Randy Gerard, PFC C (573) 415-6934 O (816) 236-3659 pfc.rosecrans.ang@zeiders.com
This week’s Quote: “Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” - Warren Buffet