139th News

Wing seeks ideas for innovation spending that increase mission effectiveness

  • Published
  • By Master Sgt. Michael Crane

The 139th Airlift Wing is asking its Airmen for creative ideas on how to spend its $100,000 of innovation funds for 2019. The funds are part of an Air Force wide innovation initiative announced by Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. David L. Goldfein last year.

The funds will go toward projects that contribute to increased mission readiness and help give time back to Airmen.

Capt. Jessica Knox, financial manager assigned to the 139th Comptroller Flight, is part of the innovation fund committee.

Knox says they have received a few ideas so far. One plan asks for kiosks to be used in offices that receive a lot of foot traffic to help expedite customer service and reduce wait times.

“We’ve also received ideas for an upgraded SharePoint and base-wide [commercial] Wi-Fi,” said Knox.

Airmen who have ideas on how the base can use the innovation funds can submit their ideas to jessica.m.knox4.mil@mail.mil.

Please provide the following information:

Bottom Line Upfront: Brief description of proposed innovation.

Point of contact: Name, Phone Number, and Email.

Level of Effort: To correctly apply resources to the project the committee needs to have a better understanding on the size and the level of effort required.

Estimated Cost: Estimation of how much funding is needed to implement the idea.

Specialized Personnel: Provide estimate on if specialized personal are required and how much work is required in work months/years.

Deliverables: Provide more specifics on the deliverable products that are expected from the innovation.

Sustainment: What is the plan to sustain the idea after the one time output of funds or effort?

Growth: Is this idea something that will have several phases and what are timelines?

Locations: Where would this innovation be located and maintained or where would it have the greatest impact on base?

Timing/ Milestones: How fast would you expect to see results from the innovation?

Training: How much training would be required for this innovation and who would require the training?

Road Blocks: What are the current and past roadblocks that has kept this innovation from being implemented?