139th News

Coping with Financial Issues of COVID-19 - Part 48

  • Published
  • By Randy Gerard, Personal Financial Counselor

By the time you get this issue, your 2020 taxes are most likely filed, Economic Impact Payments have been received, it appears the pandemic is receding somewhat and the economy is starting to recover. This month’s Tidbit focuses on the need to have a written spending plan to help you maximize your income by identifying where and how you have expenses. In addition, I will be changing my drop-in Q&A sessions to just Tuesdays. I will have a specific topic each week so watch the Wing SharePoint and the Resiliency Team calendar for more information. I have included May and June’s schedule in the Tidbit below. As always, contact me with any additional questions. 


  • 4th - Recurring Drop-in: Pre-deployment Finances
  • 5th - FDS-Officer
  • 11th - Recurring Drop-in: Office of Servicemember Affairs
  • 12th - Promotions
  • 18th - Recurring Drop-in: Life Insurance
  • 20th - Promotions
  • 25 Recurring Drop-in: TSP-Investing


  • 8th - Recurring Drop-in: Manage your spending & Divorce
  • 15th - Recurring Drop-in: Maximize your retirement
  • 17th - PCS
  • 22nd - Recurring Drop-in: Buying a home
  • 23rd - PCS
  • 29th - Recurring Drop-in: College funding

Income and Outgo-You Really Should Know the Details
A spending plan gives you control. Your plan will clearly show how much money you have coming in, what you’re spending it on and where you can make trade-offs to come up with extra cash. It’s also your first step in meeting larger financial goals. With a spending plan in place you will be better able to find the money you’ll need to reach them. Please access this link for more information.

The Details ARE Important!
The first step to getting your finances on track is to know where your money is going. But that isn't always obvious: you may have a good handle on your monthly bills, but what about your daily expenses? You may be surprised by how much money you spend on small items—like food and transportation—when you add up your out-of-pocket costs. Use the following link for further information.

Not an Idea, Not an Intention, but a SMART Goal!
Getting what you want doesn't always come easily. Chances are you'll have to work to reach your goal. Achieving what you want financially—whether saving to buy a house or for a fun vacation—requires the same planning, perseverance and know-how. For a definition and more information click here.

Don’t hesitate to reach out by phone, text, email or ask for a private Zoom session for you or your family members. Be Vigilant and STAY SAFE!

Randy Gerard, PFC
C (573) 415-6934
O (816) 236-3659

This week’s thought: “The tyranny of the urgent squelches out those things that are truly important.” ~Greer Kendall, legacy planning specialist